Day 5 of AWESOME! Mrs. Franks creating classroom expectations with her students.
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
Day 4 of AWESOME! Our school police officer building connections with kids.
Here are important upcoming dates!
Day 3 of AWESOME! New school shoes!!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #impactthefuturehusd
Thursday, Aug 17th, is our Back to School Night.
Come see the campus and meet our staff.
Day 2 of AWESOME! Celebrating Staff & Student School Spirit with gift card rewards!
Day 1 of AWESOME!
Hanging out with students at lunch.
The first day of school is tomorrow, Aug 10th. Gates open at 7:30am and classes begin at 8:30am. School get's out at 3:18pm. See you tomorrow!
Here is a map of our Campus.
See you on Thursday!
Parents of incoming 7th graders!
Following 7th grade orientation, please join us in our parent meeting. Come see the school and pick up your student's schedule, books, PE clothes...
See you Aug 8th at 2pm
Just in case you missed it, here is the postcard that was mailed home.
We're excited for this new year and hope you are too.
See you all soon!
Incoming 7th Graders
Aug 8th is our 7th grader orientation. Come get your schedules and Chromebooks, buy PE clothes and get a tour of campus.
We'll see you at 1pm!
Attention Roadrunners!
Save the Dates for our upcoming 7th Grade Orientation, the First Day of School and Back to School Night!
See you all there.
Homecoming is Aug 25th and 26th.
Dance Tickets will be on sale beginning Aug 9th during back to school night.
Ticket Prices increase beginning on Aug 14th.
Join us to Celebrate the Start of the Hesperia Unified School District's 2023-2024 School Year! Come with the whole family and learn how you can get involved in your children's education. There will be games, raffles, and lots of fun.
¡Acompáñenos a Celebrar el Inicio del Año Escolar 2023-2024 del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Hesperia! Venga con toda la familia y conozca cómo puede involucrarse en la educación de sus hijos. Habrá juegos, rifas y mucha diversión.
Hello Roadrunners!
If you still have your Chromebook, please make sure you return it on June 15th from 9am to 11am. Thank you so much! Have a great summer!
Two of our Student Services All-Stars won the Student Services $50 Amazon gift card drawing! Thank you to Horace Mann for the gift cards! Congratulations Roadrunners!
Join us to Celebrate the Start of the Hesperia Unified School District's 2023-2024 School Year! Come with the whole family and learn how you can get involved in your children's education. There will be games, raffles, and lots of fun.
¡Acompáñenos a Celebrar el Inicio del Año Escolar 2023-2024 del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Hesperia! Venga con toda la familia y conozca cómo puede involucrarse en la educación de sus hijos. Habrá juegos, rifas y mucha diversión.
Tomorrow is the last day to pre-order a yearbook before the distribution party.
Calling all Angels! You have the opportunity to put a yearbook into the hands of a student who might not have the ability to purchase one. See flyer for details.