Day 125 of AWESOME! Jumping for joy!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Calling all angels! Can you help put a yearbook into the hands of a student who otherwise might not get one? Sponsor a student with a 23-24 yearbook today! See below for details. #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners

Day 124 of AWESOME! 8th grade field trip to Hesperia High!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #scorpioncountry #asb #peprally #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 123 of AWESOME! Honor Orchestra and Honor Band all dressed up to perform in their concerts!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #represent #impressive #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 122 of AWESOME! Vex Robotics team at the State Championships!!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #wickedrobot #robotics #champions #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 121 of AWESOME! Fortnite champion!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #fortnite #championscrown #soproud #gaming #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 120 of AWESOME! Lunch with Dr. Magana!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomestaff #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 119 of AWESOME! Hesperia High AVID students talking to our Roadrunners about AVID!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomestudents #awesomestaff #scorpioncountry #AVID #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 118 of AWESOME! Flannels!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomestaff #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Roadrunner Families
Mark your calendars! Next Wednesday, 3/6 at 6pm, is Scorpion Preview Night. This is an opportunity to go to Hesperia High School with your future 9th grader to see the amazing things that await your student next year. Meet their staff and ask your questions!

Day 117 of AWESOME! Class outside!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #vitamind #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Hello Roadrunner Family! We will be facilitating parent workshops. Please fill out this survey with the options that better suit your needs. Thank you!
¡Hola Familia Roadrunner! Estaremos facilitando talleres para padres. Por favor llene esta encuesta con las opciones que mejor se adapten a sus necesidades. ¡Gracias!

Day 116 of AWESOME! Friday fun with games and pictures!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #funfriday #fridaygames #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 115 of AWESOME! Working out in the weight room!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #pumpingiron #sweatingitout #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 114 of AWESOME! Showing off online skills in class!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 113 of AWESOME! Constructing objects in Construction class!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #builders #creators #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Day 112 of AWESOME! Bring a Stuffed Animal to School Spirit Day!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #spiritdays #stuffies #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

Por favor marque su calendario para el 22 de Febrero a las 8:30 am. Está invitado a asistir a nuestra reunión de ELAC donde tendremos el placer de recibir a una invitada especial, la Sra. Heather Zappia de la Fundación Making Hope Happen. Durante la reunión, la Sra. Zappia facilitará una clase de QPR (Prevención del suicidio), a la cual todos son bienenidos. ¡Esperamos que pueda accompañarnos y esperamos verlos allí!

Please mark your calendars for February 22nd at 8:30 am. You are invited to attend our ELAC Meeting where we will have the pleasure of hosting a special guest, Ms. Heather Zappia from the Making Hope Happen Foundation. During the meeting, Ms. Zappia will be facilitating a QPR (Suicide Prevention) Class, which is open to everyone. We hope you can join us, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Day 111 of AWESOME! Getting a sleeping cat out of our tree!
#webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomestaff #fellasleepinatree #everydayisfun #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD